Back when I got my computer almost two years ago, the one part I skimped on was the video card. I've got an NVIDIA GT220 in there. I recently managed to get Steam for Linux working. I've had it running in WINE/Crossover for a while, but now its native. I bought Serious Sam III on sale last week. My current card is being murdered by it. Puke-inducing framerates.

So today I ordered one of these, a Gigabyte GTX 660. The new process NVIDIA is using does a great job of reducing power usage and subsequent heat. I had planned on getting a GTX 650, but after checking some sites, the GTX 660 seemed to be better bang-for-buck plus a little more future-proof. Should be here Thursday. Good thing I got a really good PSU when I bought the box. GPU-bound, no more!